Scanalytics hosts Capitol Roundtable Dinner

On June 5th, 2024, Scanalytics hosted its first Smart Flooring Capitol Dinner at the storied DC restaurant, The Palm. Drawing from our customers, partners, and supporters, we welcomed representatives from The White House, the Department of Energy, customer Paramount Pictures and flooring leaders from Mannington Commercial and Tarkett. The purpose of the evening was to cross-collaborate on important topics in tech business and innovation, showcase sustainability as a commercial success driver, and discuss new ways smart flooring can better serve its human occupants.

Washington, DC’s steamy June weather reinforced its humid, summer reputation

The topics discussed centered around smart flooring and its potential across several key areas, including:

  • U.S. based manufacturing. The flooring leaders Scanalytics partners with all opperate major US-based manufacturing facilities. As they adopt and integrate the Scanalytics smart flooring system with customers, business opportunities abound to scale operations in new national footholds and grow American jobs at home.

  • Sustainability in Flooring. Building on a step even further than flooring companies’ sincere commitments to sustainable practices and accountability in the lifecycle of the flooring products they build, smart flooring introduces dramatic energy savings (benchmarked at 35% reductions) evolving it into a net-positive sustainability driver.

  • Insightful Data. As smart flooring enables the collection of anonymous, accurate, human spatial behavior, this data can offer insights, enable better security, decrease energy bills, and provide insights and analytics.

Scanalytics team members meet in person for the first time

As Scanalytics notes, every building that has ever been built as a floor, and most likely, every future building will also claim this same overlooked fact. Flooring not only “crosses the aisle” in Washington, D.C.’s political-terms, it literally undergirds the aisle and supports the foundations where we live, work, and govern. It makes sense to connect this ecosystem of business in our Nation’s Capital as we explore ways to better serve customers and grow U.S. based jobs and business. Flooring leaders have innovated for years, offering beautiful, durable, and sustainable products. Smart flooring builds on this reputation for progress by connecting our floors to tech in the built world.

Summer sunset at the Lincoln Memorial

Scanalytics expresses thanks to all those who attended and their teams who support us. We all share the floors under our feet. We look forward to growing this conversation with future Roundtables and Discussions as smart flooring evolves from its patented tech origins and scales to its leadership role in the built world.

P.S. If ever you’re at the Palm, definitely order the crab cakes!


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